Special Characters
Special Characters HTML List
- ! is !
- " is "
- # is #
- $ is $
- % is %
- & is &
- ' is '
- ( is (
- ) is )
- * is *
- + is +
- , is ,
- - is -
- . is .
- / is /
- 0 is 0
- 1 is 1
- 2 is 2
- 3 is 3
- 4 is 4
- 5 is 5
- 6 is 6
- 7 is 7
- 8 is 8
- 9 is 9
- : is :
- ; is ;
- < is <
- = is =
- > is >
- ? is ?
- @ is @
- A is A
- B is B
- C is C
- D is D
- E is E
- F is F
- G is G
- H is H
- I is I
- J is J
- K is K
- L is L
- M is M
- N is N
- O is O
- P is P
- Q is Q
- R is R
- S is S
- T is T
- U is U
- V is V
- W is W
- X is X
- Y is Y
- Z is Z
- [ is [
- \ is \
- ] is ]
- ^ is ^
- _ is _
- ` is `
- a is a
- b is b
- c is c
- d is d
- e is e
- f is f
- g is g
- h is h
- i is i
- j is j
- k is k
- l is l
- m is m
- n is n
- o is o
- p is p
- q is q
- r is r
- s is s
- t is t
- u is u
- v is v
- w is w
- x is x
- y is y
- z is z
- { is {
- | is |
- } is }
- ~ is ~
- € is
- ‚ is
- ƒ is
- „ is
- … is
- † is
- ‡ is
- ˆ is
- ‰ is
- Š is
- ‹ is
- Œ is
- Ž is
- ‘ is
- ’ is
- “ is
- ” is
- • is
- – is
- — is
- ˜ is
- ™ is
- š is
- › is
- œ is
- ž is
- Ÿ is
- ¡ is ¡
- ¢ is ¢
- £ is £
- ¤ is ¤
- ¥ is ¥
- ¦ is ¦
- § is §
- © is ©
- ª is ª
- « is «
- ¬ is ¬
- ® is ®
- ¯ is ¯
- ° is °
- ± is ±
- ² is ²
- ³ is ³
- ´ is ´
- µ is µ
- ¶ is ¶
- · is ·
- ¸ is ¸
- ¹ is ¹
- º is º
- » is »
- ¼ is ¼
- ½ is ½
- ¾ is ¾
- ¿ is ¿
Learn About Special Characters Now
Special characters can easily seem to be of little importance to Internet marketers. But little do we know that wise marketers are advancing more easily than others because they know something more about these special characters.
To be a good blogger, a web developer, a webmaster, or even a search engine optimizer, you must at least know a few of the HTML code equivalents of these ASCII special characters. That kind of knowledge will set you apart from bloggers and website owners don't know what to do when a special character doesn't print out correctly on a web browser. Knowing the decimal equivalents solves this small problem.
How to Insert Special Characters in Word
Inserting special characters in Word doesn't require knowledge in HTML. However, do not forget to convert those special characters to HTML code if you wish to publish to your blog the same article you are writng in MS Word right now. Not all Internet user's browsers are set to fonts that can display plain ASCII characters. You need to convert them to HTML special character codes to be sure that every single special character is readable online. What can be worst than sending an email that looks like the one in the image below?

Special character errors appearing in an email
Don't ask me what happened there. Only the person who created that email knows what ASCII characters were supposed to show up instead of those weird characters.
You don't have to worry about anything if you are not emailing or publishing content online. All you need to know is how to insert them in MS Word and your're done. So, Watch this short video from LogOnToLearn to see how it's done.
How to Insert Special Characters in Google Spreadsheets
Now, some of us like to work directly on a spreadsheet in Google Drive. In the next video, Richard Byrne shows us how to insert special characters in Google Drive spreadsheets.
Showing Brand Names with Special Characters
In case you missed the trademark symbol and the registered symbol for brand names from the list above, here they are again:
I personally use HTML codes for trademark symbols and "R" in a circle symbols whenever I'm using my HTML editor and saving to 'csv or I'm using EXCEL. working on a CSV database that I would later on upload to a Volusion or Magento website. Because if I don't, I will get the same error as in the image I showed you earlier on this page..
How Does Google Handle Special Characters
You maybe wondering how Google, and other search engines handle special characters. Watch this next video to find out.
Now you know! Like you've just heard from the video, not all search engines can output correctly those ligatures, soft-hyphens, interpuncts, and hyphenation points included within your article. This is why you have to know how to use html special character codes. Or simply put, if the articles you publish on the web would look and read better with special characters but you don't know how, the solution is to write each special character in HTML.

Just make sure you are inserting the special character codes into the HTML mode of your blog's post editor or your website builder's WYSIWYG editor. and not while you are in the text mode.